Scripture Verse

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork. Psalm 19:1


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. The book of na­ture and Scrip­ture. For a Lord’s Day morn­ing.

Music: Do­mi­ni­ca Her­bert S. Oake­ley, 1874 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Herbert Oakeley


Behold, the lof­ty sky
Declares its mak­er God.
And all His star­ry works on high
Proclaim His pow­er abroad.

The dark­ness and the light
Still keep their course the same;
While night to day, and day to night,
Divinely teach His name.

In ev­ery dif­fer­ent land,
Their ge­ne­ral voice is known;
They show the won­ders of His hand,
And or­ders of His throne.

Ye Chris­tian hearts, re­joice,
[originally, Ye Bri­tish lands, re­joice]
Here He re­veals His Word;
We are not left to na­ture’s voice
To bid us know the Lord.

His sta­tutes and com­mands
Are set be­fore our eyes;
He puts His Gos­pel in our hands,
Here our sal­va­tion lies.

His laws are just and pure,
His truth with­out de­ceit,
His pro­mises for ev­er sure
And His re­wards are great.

Not ho­ney to the taste
Affords so much de­light,
Nor gold that has the fur­nace passed
So much al­lures the sight.

While of Thy works I sing,
Thy glo­ry to pro­claim,
Accept the praise, my God, my king
In my Re­deem­er’s name.