Scripture Verse

I saw Heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war…And the armies which were in Heaven followed Him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. Revelation 19:11,14


Words: W. C. Ag­ar, in The Re­vi­val No. 6 (At­lan­ta, Geor­gia: Char­lie Till­man, 1910), num­ber 3.

Music: Los Al­tos Charles D. Till­man (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Ag­ar’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles Tillman (1861–1943)


Hear the tread of com­ing mill­ions
Marching on—the hosts of God;
Coming from the isles and na­tions,
Ransomed by the Sav­ior’s blood.
Hear them shout­ing! Hear them shout­ing!
He hath washed us in His blood!
Hear them shout­ing! Hear them shout­ing!
He hath washed us in His blood!

God His pro­mise is ful­fill­ing
To His well be­lov­èd Son:
Heathen na­tions to Him giv­ing,
For a he­rit­age, His own.
See them com­ing! See them com­ing!
All to wor­ship at His throne,
See them com­ing! See them com­ing!
All to wor­ship at His throne.

Christ is see­ing of the tra­vail
Of His lov­ing, wait­ing, soul,
In the tri­umphs of the Gos­pel
Over men, from pole to pole.
Hear their prais­es! Hear their prais­es!
Like the voice of wa­ters roll,
Hear their prais­es! Hear their prais­es!
Like the voice of wa­ters roll.

Soldiers of the cross, long wait­ing
For the com­ing of this day—
Toiling, weep­ing, watch­ing, pray­ing—
Courage take and march away.
We have tri­umphed! We have tri­umphed!
Soon you’ll hear our cap­tain say,
We have tri­umphed! We have tri­umphed!
Soon you’ll hear our cap­tain say.

When the long re­treat has sound­ed,
And our chief­tain leads the way,
By His con­quer­ing hosts sur­round­ed,
To the realms of end­less day;
Then, how bless­èd! Oh, how bless­èd!
To have fought to win the day,
Then, how bless­èd! Oh, how bless­èd!
To have fought to win the day.

Hallelujah! Hal­le­lu­jah!
Hallelujah to the Lamb!
All in earth and all in Heav­en
Sound the prais­es of His name!
Mighty Sav­ior! Mighty Sav­ior!
We will con­quer in Thy name,
Mighty Sav­ior! Migh­ty Sav­ior!
We will con­quer in Thy name.