Scripture Verse

Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6


Words & Mu­sic: Ralph P. Mer­ri­field, 2002 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ralph P. Merrifield (1957–)


Anointed One, Mes­si­ah, Lord.
Savior, Christ, Good News, Great Joy,
Eternal God, now dwell­ing with man.
The Ba­by of Beth­le­hem, the Ba­by of Beth­le­hem.
Immanuel, the Ho­ly Son, Shep­herd, Rul­er, Migh­ty One.
Descended to Earth ac­cord­ing to plan,
The Ba­by of Beth­le­hem, the Ba­by of Beth­le­hem.


With an­gels we sing Your glo­ry,
With shep­herds we give God praise,
With wise men we come be­fore You,
To wor­ship You all our days!

The Word, now flesh, in Him is life.
One and On­ly, Shin­ing Light.
Full grace and truth, we now un­der­stand,
The Ba­by of Beth­le­hem, the Ba­by of Beth­le­hem.
Everlasting Fa­ther, Prince of Peace,
Wonderful Coun­s’lor, King of Kings.
No end there will be to Your in­crease,
The Baby of Beth­le­hem, the Ba­by of Beth­le­hem.


Alpha and Ome­ga, Mas­ter and Friend.
All in all, For­giv­er of sin,
Creator, De­sign­er, Be­gin­ning and End.
The Ba­by of Beth­le­hem, the Ba­by of Beth­le­hem.
All glo­ry, hon­or, bless­ing and strength,
Wisdom, pow­er, mer­cy and grace,
Past, pre­sent, and fu­ture con­tained in His hands,
The Ba­by of Beth­le­hem, the Ba­by of Beth­le­hem,
The Ba­by of Beth­le­hem.