Scripture Verse

Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem. Isaiah 52:1


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Psalms and Hymns 1741.

Music: Lu­ton George Bur­der, 1774 (🔊 pdf nwc).

George Burder (1752–1832)


Awake, Je­ru­sa­lem, awake!
No long­er in thy sins lie down;
The gar­ment of sal­va­tion take,
Thy beau­ty and thy strength put on.

By im­pi­ous feet no long­er trod,
Thy God shall cleanse thy ev­ery stain,
O ho­ly ci­ty of thy God,
Thou shalt not bear His name in vain.

Shake off the dust that blinds thy sight,
And hides the pro­mise from thine eyes;
Arise, and strug­gle in­to light,
The great De­liv­er­er calls: Arise!

Shake off the bands of sad des­pair;
Zion, as­sert thy li­ber­ty;
Look up, thy brok­en heart pre­pare,
And God shall set the cap­tive free.

For thus the Lord your God hath said,
Ye all have sold your­selves for naught;
A ran­som (not by you) is paid:
Receive your li­ber­ty un­bought.

“My peo­ple have been long op­pressed,
No glo­ry thence re­dounds to Me,
Long have I seen them sore dis­tressed,
Grieved at My peo­ple’s mi­se­ry.

“They groaned be­neath the ty­rant’s chain,
Sin ruled them with an ir­on rod;
The suf­fer­ing ab­jects howled for pain,
They groaned, but dared not groan to God.

“Th’oppressors with in­sult­ing boast
My truth and sav­ing pow­er con­temned,
My wor­ship, and My praise was lost,
My name was ev­ery day blas­phemed.

“For this My jea­lou­sy is stirred,
And shall a great de­liv­er­ance show;
My peo­ple shall con­fess their Lord,
My faith­ful­ness and mer­cy know.

Surely they all shall know My name,
They all My at­trib­utes shall prove:
I Am, what I am called; I Am
Justice, and truth, and pow­er and love.