The cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Galatians 6:14
Words: Russell H. Conwell, Songs Tried and Proved (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: A. J. Rowland, 1896), number 101.
Music: Martyn Simeon B. Marsh, 1834 (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a good photo of Marsh (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), or a better one of Conwell,
Jesus, Master, rescue me,
Weak and helpless, this my plea;
Thou hast triumphed o’er the grave,
Thou hast died my soul to save.
Though my sins are crimson red,
Thou for me Thy blood hast shed;
Trembling at Thy cross I bow,
Jesus, Master, cleanse me now.
Jesus, Master, hear my cry,
Pass me not unheeded by;
On these sightless eyes of mine,
Let Thy beams of mercy shine.
Lord I know Thou canst forgive,
Bid, O bid me look and live;
Trusting, at Thy cross I bow,
Jesus, Master, heal me now.
Jesus, Master, praise to Thee,
For Thy wondrous love to me;
From the mountain wild and steep
Thou hast brought Thy wandering sheep.
Thou hast washed my sins away,
Turned my darkness into day;
Joyful at Thy cross I bow,
Thou dost save and save me now.