Scripture Verse

Teach me Thy ways so I may know Thee. Exodus 33:13


Alexander R. Reinagle (1799–1877)

Words: Law­rence Tut­ti­ett, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1904.

Music: Be­ati Im­ma­cu­la­ti Al­ex­an­der R. Rein­agle, Psalm Tunes for the Voice and Pi­ano­for­te, cir­ca 1836 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Tut­ti­ett,

Lawrence Tuttiett (1825–1897)


Two Girls Praying
Emile Munier (1840–1895)

As now Thy child­ren low­ly kneel,
And all for mer­cy pray,
O Fa­ther, make us tru­ly feel
The so­lemn words we say.

Teach us to hate the pow­er of sin,
Which parts our souls from Thee;
Help us to make our life with­in
What Thou wilt love to see.

Teach us to trust the Lamb of God,
Who takes our sins away;
Help us to choose the path He trod,
And so Thy will ob­ey.

Teach us to keep Thy ho­ly laws
Because we trust Thy love;
Help us to rise, when Je­sus draws
To bet­ter joys above.

O teach us more our sins to fear
And more Thy Word to love:
Help us on earth the cross to bear
And win the crown above.