Scripture Verse

God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years. Genesis 1:14


Words: John W. Chad­wick, 1873.

Music: Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty Jo­seph Barn­by, 1861 (🔊 pdf nwc).

John W. Chadwick (1840–1904)



Another year of set­ting suns,
Of stars by night re­vealed,
Of spring­ing grass, of ten­der buds,
By win­ter’s snow con­cealed.

Another year of sum­mer’s glow,
Of autumn’s gold and brown,
Of wav­ing fields, and rud­dy fruit
The branch­es weigh­ing down.

Another year of hap­py work
That bet­ter is than play;
Of sim­ple care, and love that grows
More sweet from day to day.

Another year of ba­by mirth
And child­hood’s bless­èd ways;
Of think­er’s thought, and pro­phet’s dream,
And po­et’s ten­der lays.

Another year at beau­ty’s feast,
At ev­ery moment spread;
Of si­lent hours, when grow dis­tinct
The voic­es of the dead.

Another year to fol­low hard
Where bet­ter souls have trod;
Another year of life’s de­light;
Another year of God!