Scripture Verse

…carried by the angels. Luke 16:22


Robert Lowry (1826–1899)

Words & Mu­sic: Ro­bert Low­ry, in Mu­sic­al Leaves, ed­it­ed by Phi­lip Phil­lips (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Phi­lip Phil­lips, 1865) (🔊 pdf nwc).


When life’s la­bor song is sung,
And the eb­on arch is sprung,
O’er the shad­ed couch of death so still,
Then the Lord will light the scene
With the an­gels’ star­ry sheen,
As they wel­come us to Zi­on’s hill.


We’ll meet each oth­er there,
Yes! we’ll meet each oth­er there,
With the an­gels in the air,
Yes, we’ll meet each oth­er there;
We’ll meet each oth­er there,
Yes! we’ll meet each oth­er there,
With the an­gels, with the an­gels in the air.

Dark the sha­dows in the vale,
Fierce the howl­ing of the gale,
But the shin­ing ones are near our door;
With our robes as bright as they,
We will tread the star­ry way,
With the sha­dow and the storm no more.


Flood the heart with part­ing tears,
Frost the head with pass­ing years,
Mingle want and woe to­ge­ther here—
But the Lord will lift the cloud
That en­wraps the shin­ing crowd,
And we’ll nev­er know a sor­row there.
