Scripture Verse

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night. Psalm 91:5


Luther O. Emerson

Words: Mel­via Book­er, 1918.

Music: Ar Hyd Y Nos Welsh tune. Har­mo­ny by Lu­ther O. Em­er­son, 1906 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Book­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Jesus Christ my Lord will keep me
All thru the night,
By His coun­sel guide and lead me
All thru the night;
Night of sin and death and sor­row;
He will keep till dawns the mor­row;
From this world I need not bor­row,
All thru the night.

Darker grow the sha­dows round me
Dark is the night;
Snares of Sa­tan oft sur­round me
Dark is the night.
But my path­way Je­sus bright­ens,
Every hea­vy bur­den light­ens;
Nothing moves me, no­thing fright­ens,
Tho’ dark the night.

Hark! a so­lemn voice is sound­ing
All thru the night;
’Tis the voice of God re­sound­ing
All thru the night;
Telling of the pre­pa­ra­tion
Needed by earth’s ev­ery na­tion
To es­cape the tri­bu­la­tion,
Earth’s dark­est night.

Sun of right­eous­ness ap­pear­ing,
He’ll end the night;
I can see the day is near­ing
When ends the night
Sleeping saints will rise all glo­ri­ous,
Raptured, too, will swell the chor­us;
Earth will crown my king vic­to­ri­ous,
Thus ends the night.