My grace is sufficient for thee.
2 Corinthians 12:9
Words & Music: Charles P. Jones, 1906 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Jesus Christ is made to me,
All I need, all I need,
He alone is all my plea,
He is all I need.
Wisdom, righteousness and pow’r,
Holiness forevermore,
My redemption full and sure,
He is all I need.
Jesus is my all in all,
All I need, all I need,
While He keeps I cannot fall,
He is all I need.
He redeemed me when He died,
All I need, all I need,
I with Him was crucified,
He is all I need.
Glory, glory to the Lamb,
All I need, all I need,
By His Spirit sealed I am,
He is all I need.