Scripture Verse

The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call Him Emmanuel. Isaiah 7:14


Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)

Words: D. R. Van Sic­kle, 1910, alt. Van Sic­kle, a non­be­liev­er, wrote the song to prove that one doesn’t have to be a Chris­tian to write a Chris­tian song. How­ev­er, God’s great pa­tience turned the ta­bles on him. Years lat­er, Van Sic­kle was sit­ting in a ser­vice where a choir sang his hymn. He came un­der con­vic­tion and gave his heart to Christ!

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el, 1910 (🔊 pdf nwc). The re­frain can be a chal­lenge to sing due to its speed and length, but the hymn works well ev­en with­out a chor­us.

If you know Van Sic­kle’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


All hail to Thee, Im­ma­nu­el,
We cast our crowns be­fore Thee;
Let ev­ery heart ob­ey Thy will,
And ev­ery voice adore Thee.
In praise to Thee, our Sav­ior king,
The vib­rant chords of Hea­ven ring,
And ec­ho back the migh­ty strain:
All hail! All hail! All hail Im­ma­nu­el!


Hail to the King we love so well!
Immanuel! Im­ma­nu­el!
Hail to the King we love so well!
Immanuel! Im­ma­nu­el!
Glory and hon­or and ma­jes­ty,
Wisdom and pow­er be un­to Thee,
Now and ev­er­more!
Hail to the King we love so well!
Immanuel! Im­ma­nu­el!
Hail to the King we love so well!
Immanuel! Im­ma­nu­el!
King of kings and Lord of lords,
All hail, Im­ma­nu­el!

All hail to Thee, Im­ma­nu­el,
The ran­somed hosts sur­round Thee;
And earth­ly mon­archs cla­mor forth
Their so­ver­eign King to crown Thee.
While those re­deemed in ag­es gone,
Assembled round the great white throne,
Break forth in­to im­mor­tal song:
All hail! All hail! All hail Im­ma­nu­el!


All hail to Thee, Im­ma­nu­el,
Our ris­en king and Sav­ior!
Thy foes are van­quished, and Thou art
Omnipotent for­ev­er.
Death, sin and hell no long­er reign,
And Sa­tan’s pow’r is burst in twain;
Eternal glo­ry to Thy name:
All hail! All hail! All hail Im­ma­nu­el!
