Scripture Verse

He was despised and rejected by men. Isaiah 53:3


Johann Crüger

Words: Jo­hann Heer­mann, De­vo­ti Mu­si­ca Cor­dis, 1630 (Herz­lieb­ster Je­su). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Ro­bert S. Bridg­es, 1899.

Music: Herz­lieb­ster Je­su Jo­hann Crü­ger, Newes voll­köm­lich­es Ge­sang­buch Augs­burg­isch­er Con­fes­sion (Ber­lin: 1640) (🔊 pdf nwc). Bach used this mu­sic as the ba­sis for part of his St. Mat­thew Pas­sion.

Johann Heerman (1585–1647)


Ah, ho­ly Je­sus, how hast Thou of­fend­ed,
That man to judge Thee hath in hate pre­tend­ed?
By foes de­rid­ed, by Thine own re­ject­ed,
O most af­flict­ed.

Who was the guil­ty? Who brought this up­on Thee?
Alas, my trea­son, Je­sus, hath un­done Thee.
’Twas I, Lord, Je­sus, I it was de­nied Thee!
I cru­ci­fied Thee.

Lo, the Good Shep­herd for the sheep is of­fered;
The slave hath sinned, and the Son hath suf­fered;
For man’s atone­ment, while he no­thing heed­eth,
God in­ter­ced­eth.

For me, kind Je­sus, was Thy in­car­na­tion,
Thy mor­tal sor­row, and Thy life’s obla­tion;
Thy death of ang­uish and Thy bit­ter pas­sion,
For my sal­va­tion.

Therefore, kind Je­sus, since I can­not pay Thee,
I do adore Thee, and will ev­er pray Thee,
Think on Thy pi­ty and Thy love un­swerv­ing,
Not my de­serv­ing.