Scripture Verse

On the seventh day God ended His work which He had made. Genesis 2:2


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: Will­iam Ma­son, in the Pro­tes­tant Ma­ga­zine, May 1796.

Music: Pax Dei (Dykes) John B. Dykes, 1868 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Mason (1725–1797)


Again re­turns the day of ho­ly rest
Which, when He made the world, Je­ho­vah blessed;
When, like His own, He bade our la­bors cease,
And all be pi­ety, and all be peace.

Let us de­vote this con­se­crat­ed day
To learn His will, and all we learn ob­ey;
So shall He hear, when fer­vent­ly we raise
Our sup­pli­ca­tions and our songs of praise.

Father in Hea­ven, in whom our hopes con­fide,
Whose pow­er de­fends us, and whose pre­cepts guide,
In life our guard­ian, and in death our friend,
Glory su­preme be Thine till time shall end.