This same Jesus, who is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go into Heaven.
Acts 1:11
Words & Music: William M. Runyan, Songs of the Great Salvation (Wichita, Kansas: Runyan Music Publishing, circa 1919), number 139 (🔊 pdf nwc).
From Olive’s hill, the multitude upgazing,
Beheld, until the Savior passed from view;
But radiant heralds uttered words of promise,
He who has gone shall come again to you.
Again, again, the nations shall behold Him!
Again, again, enrobed in majesty;
In clouds of glory every eye shall see Him,
Again, again, the King of Glory see!
Again, but not in weakness or in sorrow;
Again, but not for bitter pain and loss;
The Son of God shall come in glory splendid,
Again, but not to bear shame’s bitter cross.
O Zion, clothe thyself in raiment holy;
Lift up thine eyes to greet thy coming king;
Rejoice, rejoice, no more be robed in sorrow,
Rejoice, O Zion, lift thy voice and sing.