Scripture Verse

This same Jesus, who is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go into Heaven. Acts 1:11


Words & Mu­sic: Will­iam M. Run­yan, Songs of the Great Sal­va­tion (Wi­chi­ta, Kan­sas: Run­yan Mu­sic Pub­lish­ing, cir­ca 1919), num­ber 139 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Runyan (1870–1957)


From Ol­ive’s hill, the mul­ti­tude up­gaz­ing,
Beheld, un­til the Sav­ior passed from view;
But ra­di­ant her­alds ut­tered words of pro­mise,
He who has gone shall come again to you.


Again, again, the na­tions shall be­hold Him!
Again, again, en­robed in ma­jes­ty;
In clouds of glo­ry ev­ery eye shall see Him,
Again, again, the King of Glo­ry see!

Again, but not in weak­ness or in sor­row;
Again, but not for bit­ter pain and loss;
The Son of God shall come in glo­ry splen­did,
Again, but not to bear shame’s bit­ter cross.


O Zi­on, clothe thy­self in rai­ment ho­ly;
Lift up thine eyes to greet thy com­ing king;
Rejoice, re­joice, no more be robed in sor­row,
Rejoice, O Zi­on, lift thy voice and sing.
