Scripture Verse

Thou shalt make them drink of the river of Thy pleasures…in Thy light shall we see light. Psalm 36:9


Anthony J. Showalter

Words: Jen­nie Wil­son, in Co­ro­na­tion Songs (Dal­ton, Georg­ia: A. J. Sho­wal­ter, 1897).

Music: An­tho­ny J. Sho­wal­ter (🔊 pdf nwc).

Jennie Wilson (1856–1913)


After the life-paths we’re tread­ing
End upon time’s so­lemn shore,
There will be light at the riv­er
While the re­deemed ones pass o’er.


There will be light at the riv­er,
There will be light at the riv­er,
There will be light at the riv­er,
While the re­deemed ones pass o’er.

There will be light for the spir­its
Who thro’ deep sha­dows have come—
Fadeless light shin­ing glad wel­come
Out from the win­dows of home.


There will be light for the wea­ry
Who thro’ sore tri­als have passed—
Radiant light as they en­ter,
Peace that for ev­er shall last.


There will be light for the faith­ful,
Whate’er the way they have trod—
Glorious light sent to guide them
Safe to the ci­ty of God.
