Scripture Verse

If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall Thy hand lead me, and Thy right hand shall hold me. Psalm 139:9–10


Henry F. Lyte (1793–1847)

Words: Hen­ry F. Lyte, Po­ems Chief­ly Re­li­gious 1833 & 1845.

Music: We­ther­by Sam­uel S. Wes­ley, 1872 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Samuel Wesley (1810–1876)


Above me hangs the si­lent sky;
Around me rolls the sea;
The crew is at all at rest, and I
Am, Lord, alone with Thee.

Go where I may, from all re­mote,
Thou, Lord, art ev­er near:
No sec­ret thought, but Thou canst note;
No word, but Thou canst hear.

When all around are sunk to sleep,
Thy pre­sence here I find;
To me Thou walk­est o’er the deep,
Or speak­est in the wind.

In winds, and waves, and star­ry sky;
I see Thee pre­sent here;
And, look­ing at my­self, I cry,
Can I still be Thy care?

I think of days and dan­gers past,
When I have found Thee nigh;
And won­der how Thy love can last
To one so vile as I.

I think of ter­rors near at hand,
Of judg­ment yet to come;
When I be­fore Thy face must stand
And hear my fi­nal doom.

The sense of all I’ve been and done
Would fill me with des­pair;
But to my Sav­ior’s cross I run,
And find a re­fuge there.

I know He has the pow­er to aid,
I know He has the will:
And He who once for sin­ners bled,
Can res­cue sin­ners still.

Lord, arm my soul with faith in Thee,
And fill my heart with love,
My path from sin and dan­ger free,
And guide me safe above.

And while the waves around me beat,
Lord, oft­en thus des­cend,
And grant me here com­mun­ion sweet
With Thee, the sin­ner’s friend.