

Died: Au­gust 11, 1916, Os­ka­loo­sa, Io­wa.


Wood was the son of Ri­chard B. B. Wood and Lau­ret­ta Ell­en Cull­ey.

He was living in Au­ro­ra, Mis­sou­ri, in 1910. His song Some­times was co­py­right­ed in 1913, and pub­lished in St. Lou­is, Mis­sou­ri, in 1914.

An obit­ua­ry in the Au­gust 18, 1916, is­sue of the Mo­nett Times, Mo­nett, Mis­sou­ri, des­crib­ed him as a sing­ing ev­an­gel­ist. He is al­so re­mem­bered as an ar­tist and car­toon­ist, and was known for his chalk talks.



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