

Born: Feb­ru­ary 28, 1830, De­von­shire, Eng­land.

Died: De­cem­ber 1, 1904, South­gate, Mid­dle­sex, Eng­land.


Christopher was the son of Chris­to­pher Will­ing, al­to and as­sist­ant gen­tle­man at the Cha­pel Roy­al.

At age eight, he en­tered the West­min­ster Ab­bey choir un­der James Turle.

Even at this age he could play the or­gan and once, when Turle be­came ill, he walked down the nave past the con­gre­ga­tion, climbed on­to the organ stool and fin­ished the ser­vice.

He be­came de­pu­ty or­gan­ist at age 14, and was oft­en left in sole charge by Turle.

In 1848, he was elect­ed or­gan­ist of the Found­ling Hos­pi­tal, stay­ing there 31 years, though part of the time he held oth­er of­fic­es as well, driv­ing at full speed from one to an­oth­er.

One of his last ap­point­ments was or­gan­ist at Hugh Ha­weis’ church in West­min­ster Place, Ma­ry­le­bone, not far from Charles Wes­ley’s Lon­don home.

He com­piled a Col­lect­ion of tunes, ma­ny of his own com­po­si­tion, and was in­volved with op­era, as well.




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