


Born: De­cem­ber 12, 1802, Cwm­cyn­felin, Car­di­gan­shire, Wales.

Died: May 1, 1865, Stinch­combe, Glou­ces­ter­shire, Eng­land.

Buried: Stinch­combe, Glou­ces­ter­shire, Eng­land.


Tutored by an Eng­lish cler­gy­man, Will­iams de­veloped a fond­ness for La­tin po­et­ry. He be­came so pro­fi­cient in La­tin that he be­gan to think in it, and when writ­ing some­times had to trans­late his ideas from La­tin to Eng­lish.

In 1812, he en­tered Tri­ni­ty Col­lege, Ox­ford, and two years lat­er won the uni­ver­si­ty’s prize for La­tin verse. This was a turn­ing point in his ca­reer, as it brought him in­to con­tact with John Ke­ble, who took on Will­iams as a sort of pro­té­gé.

In 1829, Will­iams was or­dained as cur­ate of Wind­rush, a few miles from Fair­ford, where Ke­ble lived.

However, Will­iams soon won a Tri­ni­ty Fel­low­ship and re­turned to Ox­ford, where he met John New­man. He be­came New­man’s cur­ate at St. Ma­ry’s, Ox­ford, where he stayed un­til 1842, when he be­came cur­ate at Bisley.

He moved to Stinch­combe in 1848, where he lived in re­tire­ment for ma­ny years, de­vot­ing him­self to li­ter­ary ef­forts.



