Earl of Mornington

Born: Ju­ly 19, 1735, Dan­gan, Coun­ty Meath, Ire­land.

Died: May 22, 1781, Ken­sing­ton, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Buried: Gros­ve­nor Cha­pel, South Aud­ley Street, Lon­don, Eng­land.


Garret was the son of Ri­chard Wes­ley, 1st Bar­on Morn­ing­ton, and Eli­za­beth Sale.

From ear­ly child­hood, he showed tal­ent on the vio­lin, and soon be­gan com­pos­ing his own works. His son Ar­thur, the first Duke of Well­ing­ton, who de­feat­ed Na­po­le­on at Wa­ter­loo, was the on­ly one of his child­ren to in­her­it some of his mu­sic­al gift.

Another of his des­cend­ants is Queen Eli­za­beth II of Bri­tain.

He at­tend­ed Dub­lin Uni­ver­si­ty, and was elect­ed its first Pro­fess­or of Mu­sic in 1764.

The fa­mi­ly name was changed to Well­es­ley in 1798.


As a com­pos­er, he is re­mem­ber­ed chief­ly for glees such as Here in cool grot (lyr­ics by Will­iam Shen­stone), a dou­ble Ang­li­can chant, and his Chant in E, from which the tune Morn­ing­ton is ar­ranged.

