

Born: Oc­to­ber 1, 1790, Nor­wich, Eng­land.

Died: Ju­ly 12, 1846, Rams­gate, Kent, Eng­land.

Buried: St. Au­gus­tine Ro­man Ca­tho­lic church­yard, Rams­gate, Kent, Eng­land.



Charlotte was the daugh­ter of Mi­chael Browne, rec­tor of St. Giles’ par­ish, Nor­wich.

Charlotte went deaf at age 10. She mar­ried ar­my cap­tain George Phe­lan of the 60th Ri­fles, and spent two years with him while he served with his re­gi­ment in No­va Sco­tia (1817–19).

They then re­turned to Ire­land, where Phe­lan owned a small es­tate near Kil­ken­ny. How­ev­er, the un­ion was an un­hap­py one, and they sep­a­rat­ed about 1824 (Cap­tain Phe­lan died in 1837 in Dub­lin).

Charlotte sub­se­quent­ly lived with her bro­ther, Cap­tain John Browne, at Clif­ton, and lat­er moved to Sand­hurst, then to Lon­don.

Thrown up­on her own re­sourc­es, Char­lotte con­trib­uted to the Dub­lin Tract So­cie­ty, and around 1835, be­came ed­it­or of The Chris­tian La­dies’ Ma­ga­zine. She al­so ed­it­ed The Pro­test­ant An­nu­al, 1840, and ed­it­ed The Pro­test­ant Ma­ga­zine from 1841 un­til her death.

In 1840, she mar­ried min­is­ter Lew­is Hip­po­ly­tus Jo­seph Ton­na, but con­tinued to use Char­lotte Eli­za­beth as her li­ter­ary de­sig­na­tion.


