

Born: Au­gust 25, 1858, Maes­teg, Gla­mor­gan­shire, Wales.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 20, 1944, Man­sel Street, Gow­er­ton, Wales.

Buried: Kings­bridge Ce­me­te­ry, North Gor­sei­non, Swan­sea, Wales.

Pseudonym: John Garth.



Born in­to a poor min­ing fa­mi­ly, Tho­mas start­ed work­ing as a coal min­er at a ve­ry young age.

After be­ing in­jured in a mine ac­ci­dent, he at­tende­d Ri­chards Aca­de­my in Aber­a­fon, where he start­ed preach­ing. He went to Pon­ty­pool Col­lege in 1881, and from there won a schol­ar­ship of £30 to go to Ban­gor Uni­ver­si­ty.

After his first year at Bang­or, he was award­ed a bur­sa­ry of £50 by Lord Pen­rhyn. He re­ceived his MA de­gree in Phi­lo­so­phy and Me­ta­phy­sics at Lon­don Uni­ver­si­ty in hon­ors.

He served as pas­tor at Sal­a­dine Nook, Hud­ders­field (1887–93); Myr­tle Street Bap­tist Church, Li­ver­pool (1893–1914); and Sut­ton (1915–20). In 1903–04 he tra­veled ex­ten­sive­ly in Eur­ope and the Ho­ly Land with his wife De­bo­rah.


