19th Century


Born: Spring­field, Il­li­nois.


According to Eva Mun­son Smith, this au­thor is not Fan­ny Cros­by, who is said to have used Ida Scott Tay­lor as a pseu­do­nym. Ei­ther Fanny’s pseu­do­nym at­tri­bu­tion is in­cor­rect, or there is a re­mark­able co­in­ci­dence of names.

At any rate, Smith’s 1888 Wo­man in Sac­red Song says Tay­lor was quite young, but does not give a birth date. Smith re­fers to her as Miss, in­di­cat­ing Tay­lor was her maid­en name.

Taylor lived most of her ear­ly life, at least, in Jack­son­ville, Il­li­nois, and had a sto­ry pub­lished as a se­ri­al in the Jack­son­ville Jour­nal.



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