


Born: Feb­ru­ary 25, 1882, Hä­meen­kos­ki, Fin­land.

Died: Oc­to­ber 6, 1946.

Buried: Hie­ta­nie­mi Ce­me­te­ry, Hel­sin­ki, Finland.


Tamminen was the son of school teach­er Ema­nu­el Ek­qvist Tam­mi­nen and Se­ra­fia Sa­lin, and hus­band of Sel­ma Jo­han­na Pau­nu Duf­va.

Ordained a priest in 1905, he worked for the Fin­nish Lu­ther­an Ev­an­ge­li­cal Asso­ci­a­tion as a preach­er (1908–16), and as ex­e­cu­tive di­rec­tor (1923–46).

He was a chap­lain in Lo­hja, Fin­land (1916–24), and made a mis­sion in­spec­tion trip to Ja­pan (1925–26). He was a mem­ber of the church coun­cil in 1933, 1935 and 1938 and mem­ber of the hymn book com­mit­tee ap­point­ed by the church coun­cil of 1928.

He was a jour­nal­ist from 1912, and wrote se­ver­al hymns and songs, and pub­lished ser­mon col­lect­ions.

He re­ceived the title of Ro­vas­ti (Dean) in 1932.



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