

Born: 1874, Ma­ta­wan, New Jer­sey.

Died: May 13, 1917, Sea­ton Hall, Lake­wood, New Jer­sey (per Brook­lyn Dai­ly Ea­gle).

Buried: Green-Wood Ce­me­te­ry, Brook­lyn, New York.


Frank was the son of James B. Ston­ey.

He at­tend­ed Ma­ry­land Uni­ver­si­ty and the Long Is­land Me­di­cal Col­lege in New York (gra­du­at­ed 1897).

He was a sur­geon at the New York Pol­y­clin­ic Hos­pital; chief of the Tu­ber­cu­lar Cli­nic in Brook­lyn, New York; and a di­vi­sion chief in the Bu­reau of Con­ta­gious Dis­eas­es of the New York Board of Health.

In ad­di­tion, he played the or­gan at se­ver­al church­es in Brook­lyn.



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