

Born: March 23, 1798, Ox­ford, Eng­land.

Died: May 8, 1882, New House Park (near Rick­mans­worth), Hert­ford­shire, Eng­land.

Buried: Nor­wood Ce­me­te­ry, Lon­don, Eng­land.


He was bap­tized by Rev. James Hin­ton, of whose church his fa­ther was a dea­con, and by whom he was en­cour­aged to de­vote him­self to the Chris­tian min­is­try.

After re­ceiv­ing a ve­ry com­plete edu­ca­tion at Bri­stol and Ed­in­burgh, he be­came, in 1823, pas­tor of a new­ly formed church at Cam­ber­well, in the su­burbs of Lon­don. This pas­tor­ate he re­tained about for­ty years, al­though from 1858, on­ward, when strength be­gan to fail, most of its ac­tive du­ties were dis­charged by his hon­ored col­league, Rev. Charles Stan­ford.

Dr. Steane was for ma­ny years one of the sec­re­tar­ies of the Bap­tist Union, and in­deed there was scarce­ly any de­no­mi­na­tion­al move­ment of im­port­ance in which he did not take a lead­ing part.

He was one of the com­mittee en­gaged in the pre­pa­ra­tion of the hymn book called the “New Select­ion” (1828)…He was one of the orig­in­at­ors of the Bi­ble Trans­la­tion So­ci­ety, and for a long pe­ri­od was its first sec­re­ta­ry and then its trea­sur­er.

The Ev­an­gel­ic­al Al­li­ance owed its ex­ist­ence part­ly to him, and for some years he was ed­it­or of the Al­li­ance or­gan, “Ev­an­gel­ic­al Chris­ten­dom.”

Many of his oc­ca­sion­al se­rmons were print­ed, and to­ward the close of life he pub­lished a vol­ume on “The Doc­trine of Christ De­vel­oped by the Apos­tles.”

In 1862, Dr. Steane went to re­side at New House Park, near Rick­mans­worth.

Burrage, p. 163–64

