

Born: Jan­ua­ry 11, 1839, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Baptized: June 2, 1839, St. George’s Ev­er­ton, Li­ver­pool, Eng­land.

Died: May 29, 1924, Tor­quay, De­von, Eng­land.


Henry was the son of Li­ver­pool so­li­ci­tor H. Heath­cote Sta­tham, bro­ther of Fran­cis Sta­tham, and husband of Flor­ence Eli­za­beth Dick­en (mar­ried Feb­ru­ary 17, 1887, Up­per Nor­wood, Lon­don).

He was edu­cat­ed at the Li­ver­pool Col­le­gi­ate In­sti­tu­tion un­der Dr. How­son. He was then ar­ti­cled to an ar­chi­tect in Li­ver­pool, where he sub­se­quent­ly prac­ticed for a time.

Around age 30, he moved to Lon­don. In 1883, he be­came ed­it­or of The Build­er, a post he held for a quar­ter cen­tu­ry.

He was an ama­teur mu­si­cian, and gave class­ic­al or­gan re­cit­als at the Al­bert Hall on Sun­day af­ter­noons dur­ing the Lon­don season.

He al­so wrote on mu­sic, and for ma­ny years was mu­sic cri­tic for the Ed­in­burgh Re­view.

He con­tribut­ed to Grove’s Dic­tion­ary of Mu­sic, and wrote ma­ny es­says on ar­tis­tic, mu­sic­al, and li­ter­ary sub­jects, es­pe­cial­ly in the Ed­in­burgh Re­view, the Fort­night­ly Re­view and the Nine­teenth Cen­tu­ry. Many of his pa­pers were read be­fore the In­sti­tute of Ar­chi­tects and the Ar­chi­tect­ur­al As­so­cia­tion.

He was a mem­ber of the Ar­chi­tect­ur­al As­so­cia­tion, the Mu­sic­al As­so­cia­tion, and Fel­low of the Roy­al Phil­har­mo­nic So­ci­ety.




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