Mattie Pearson Smith
Late 19th Century


Born: North Con­way, New Hamp­shire.


Mattie was the daugh­ter of John M. Pear­son and Lau­ra Em­e­ry.

She spent her ear­li­est years in the White Moun­tains of New Hamp­shire. When she was sev­en years old, her par­ents moved to Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts. When she was 10 years old, the fa­mi­ly moved to Cov­ing­ton, Ken­tuc­ky, where she lat­er taught school.

In 1857, she went to Min­ne­so­ta, and in 1859, she mar­ried bank­er and mill own­er Ed­son R. Smith of Le Su­eur, Min­ne­so­ta. She lived most, if not all, the rest of her life in Le Su­eur.

She was act­ive in the tem­per­ance move­ment.


Smith wrote much for pub­li­ca­tion, with ma­ny of her poe­ms set to mu­sic.



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