Late 19th Century


Shook’s name is some­times giv­en with the ti­tle Pro­fes­sor, in­di­cat­ing he was a teach­er.

Copyright re­gis­tra­tions from 1917 and 1918 for some of Shook’s works show the co­py­right owner as Low­ell Bet­tis Shook of Ri­ver­side, Ca­li­for­nia. How­ev­er, Low­ell Bet­tis Shook (1890–1946) is too young to have been the com­pos­er, whose work was in print by 1883. A son, per­haps?

We spe­cu­late this com­pos­er is prob­ab­ly Lem­uel Broad­way Shook (1853–1924), who is bur­ied in Oak Hill Ce­me­te­ry, Bas­trop, Tex­as.

In 1880, L. B. Shook helped lead a sing­ing school in Mount­ain Home, Bell Coun­ty, Tex­as (now Hol­land, Tex­as) (Hall, p. 377). In 1882, he and Mrs. T. M. Grif­fin pub­lished On The Banks of That Bright River, a quar­tet for voice and pi­ano, in Gal­ves­ton, Tex­as.



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