Shook’s name is sometimes given with the title Professor,
indicating he was a teacher.
Copyright registrations from 1917 and 1918 for some of Shook’s works show the copyright owner as Lowell Bettis Shook of Riverside, California. However, Lowell Bettis Shook (1890–1946) is too young to have been the composer, whose work was in print by 1883. A son, perhaps?
We speculate this composer is probably Lemuel Broadway Shook (1853–1924), who is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Bastrop, Texas.
In 1880, L. B. Shook helped lead a singing school in Mountain Home, Bell County, Texas (now Holland, Texas) (Hall, p. 377). In 1882, he and Mrs. T. M. Griffin published On The Banks of That Bright River, a quartet for voice and piano, in Galveston, Texas.
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