

Born: Sep­tem­ber 17, 1835, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: March 2, 1899, East­bourne, Sus­sex, Eng­land.


Sangster at­tended the Ci­ty of Lon­don School, and stu­died with Ed­ward Hopkins, un­der whom he was a cho­ris­ter at the Tem­ple Church, and with W. Rea.

He went on to stu­dy in Berlin (1855) and at Ox­ford (BMus 1870, DMus 1877).

He played the organ at:

He com­posed a Qua­dru­ple Chant set­ting of the Te Deum (1891); an­thems, in­clud­ing Lo! Star Led Chiefs (1888) and Bless­ed Is the Man; can­ta­tas such as The Lord is My Light; part songs; an Ov­er­ture, Pre­lude and Fugue for Or­gan; and oth­er works for or­gan and pi­ano.



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