

Born: De­cem­ber 26, 1848, Mid­dle­town, Ma­ry­land.

Died: Ap­ril 7, 1944, Funks­town, Ma­ry­land.

Buried: Funks­town Ce­me­te­ry, Ha­gers­town, Ma­ry­land.



Wilson was the son of Da­ni­el Rems­berg and Ca­ther­ine Eve Zim­mer­man, and hus­band of Ka­tie Belle Stroh (mar­ried 1899).

He be­gan help­ing in his fa­ther’s wool­en fac­to­ry at age eight. He was lat­er fond of re­call­ing how he worked from sun­up to sun­down on the wa­ter pow­ered looms, by the light of lard burn­ing lamps, weav­ing blank­ets, rag car­pets and oth­er ar­ti­cles.

He re­ceived his ele­men­ta­ry school­ing dur­ing four win­ters at Mid­dle­town Aca­de­my. On Jan­ua­ry 11, 1870, he en­tered the pre­pa­ra­to­ry school of Get­tys­burg Col­lege. He was ad­mit­ted to the col­lege in June that year, and gra­du­at­ed in 1874.

In 1877, Rems­berg was or­dained a min­is­ter of the Gos­pel by the North­ern Il­li­nois sy­nod of the Ge­ne­ral Synod. In 1876, im­me­di­ate­ly be­fore or­di­na­tion, he sup­plied the Graf­ton, West Virg­in­ia, pastorate.

After or­di­na­tion, he served ma­ny charges, in­clud­ing 36 years in Funks­town and Bak­ers­ville, Ma­ry­land. He re­tired in De­cem­ber 1935.

Remsberg helped com­pile the first hym­nal of the Lu­ther­an Ge­ne­ral Synod, Augs­burg Songs No. 1, and sev­er­al East­er ser­vic­es.


