

Born: No­vem­ber 27, 1862, Bloom­field, Io­wa (birth name: Sa­rah Ad­di­son Pol­lard).

Died: De­cem­ber 20, 1934, New York Ci­ty.

Buried: Elm­wood Ce­me­te­ry, Fort Ma­di­son, Io­wa.


Author of ov­er 100 hymns and Gos­pel songs, Poll­ard was edu­cat­ed in Den­mark, Io­wa; Val­pa­rai­so, In­di­ana; at the Bos­ton School of Ora­to­ry; and the Moo­dy Bi­ble In­stitute, Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois.

She taught in Chi­ca­go, and at the Chris­tian and Mis­sion­ary Al­li­ance Train­ing School in New York.

She worked for a while with ev­an­gel­ist John Al­ex­an­der Dow­ie, and al­so in Af­ri­ca, leav­ing for Scot­land af­ter World War I be­gan. She lat­er re­turned to New York.

As sev­en­ty-two year old Miss Ade­laide was en­route from her New York Ci­ty home to a New Jer­sey town dur­ing the Chris­tmas Ho­li­days in 1934 where she was to hold some re­li­gious meet­ings, she be­came cri­tic­al­ly ill in the New York Ci­ty rail­road sta­tion.

She was rushed to a near­by Y.W.C.A. home where she died short­ly there­af­ter, death be­ing at­trib­ut­ed to a rup­tured ap­pen­dix.

Emurian, pp. 36–40



Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Poll­ard (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),