Early 20th Century



Born: St. Lou­is, Mis­sou­ri.


Martha was the daugh­ter of James Tho­mas Pet­tus and Ma­ry A. Hoeff­lin.

She was edu­cat­ed at Ab­bott’s Col­lege Institute and Eb­er­hard’s Con­ser­va­to­ry of Mu­sic.

She was a mem­ber of the Alum­nae As­so­cia­tion of Wo­man’s Law Class of New York Uni­ver­si­ty; the La­dies’ Chris­tian Un­ion; Wo­man’s Aux­il­i­a­ry Ar­my and Na­vy So­cie­ty; the Aux­il­i­a­ry of George Jr. Re­pub­lic; the Bap­tist Home, For­eign and Ci­ty Mis­sion­ary So­cie­ties; and the Sab­bath Al­li­ance.

She con­trib­ut­ed po­ems and his­to­ri­cal sketch­es to ma­ga­zines and the re­li­gious press.



In the Morning

When from my sight the last earth-shadow falls,
When Life’s last midnight is o’er,
Just as the morn on the river shall dawn,
Jesus will stand on the shore.

Yes, ’twill be morning! The light of His face
Shines down that pathway of gloom;
Vanished thy terror, thy victory, Death,
Since He was laid in the tomb!

Since He is risen! O rapturous word!
Risen! He goeth before!
When He shall bid me Come over, I know
Jesus will stand on the shore!

How can I fear, then, that river to cross?
(Hushed are its storms evermore);
How can I faint when I watch for His smile,
His, who will stand on the shore?

Yes, He is watching; He stilleth the waves,
Bearing His ransomed ones o’er;
Ready to welcome each pilgrim, He stands
Waiting on Heaven’s bright shore.

And I shall see Him, who once on the earth
Robes of mortality wore;
Onward, blest spirit, look onward and see
Jesus—He stands on the shore!

I would have told you! That word of His love
Comforts my soul more and more;
Jordan rolls darkly—but morning is near,
And Jesus will stand on the shore!

Spirit of mine, when the shadow of death
Clouds o’er thy heaven, once more
Fear not, Oh, fear not! The river once crossed,
Jesus will stand on the shore!

Martha Elvira Pettus
The Wayside Shrine, 1914



Help Needed

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