

Born: 1842, St. He­li­er, Jer­sey.


Of Hu­gue­not des­cent, Per­rot was the son of Cle­ment Per­rot (mas­ter at the In­de­pen­dent Col­lege, Mas­brough), and Ju­lia Fey Ha­mill, and hus­band of Ma­ry Clark.

He was a mem­ber of the Free­ma­son Went­worth Lodge in Shef­field, Eng­land, as of 1877. An ad­ver­tise­ment in The Mu­sic­al Times in­di­cates he was still liv­ing in Shef­field in 1898.

His re­por­ted oc­cu­pa­tion was ir­on found­er.


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