

Born: Jan­ua­ry 31, 1828, York, York­shire, Eng­land.

Christened: Feb­ru­ary 24, 1828, St. Mi­chael-Le-Bel­fry church, York.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 18, 1900, Shank­lin, Isle of Wight.

Pseudonym: Holme Lee


Parr ne­ver mar­ried, and worked in­i­tial­ly as a gov­ern­ess be­fore suc­ceed­ing as a writ­er with her first book, Maude Tal­bot.

From then un­til 1883, she pro­duced ap­prox­i­mate­ly one no­vel a year, all pub­lished by the Lon­don firm of Smith, El­der & Com­pa­ny, under the pen name Holme Lee.

Charles Dick­ens, hav­ing en­joyed one of Parr’s ear­ly books, pur­chased three sto­ries from her for the Christ­mas num­bers of his week­ly ma­ga­zines. Her hymn Hear Our Pray­er, O Heav’n­ly Fa­ther was one of these, ap­pear­ing in the ar­ti­cle The Wreck of the Gold­en Ma­ry.

Parr al­so wrote se­ver­al vol­umes of fairy tales for child­ren, plus some works of non-fiction, most of the lat­ter un­der her real name.

Parr lived in Shank­lin, Isle of Wight, for ma­ny years, where re­cords list her as an au­thor­ess, no­vel­ist, and es­say­ist.




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