

Born: January 19, 1869, South­amp­ton, Eng­land.

Died: June 24, 1948.


Harold was the son of Ar­thur Os­mond and Ma­til­da Bar­trum. He mar­ried twice: to Flo­rence Stuart Peat (died 1902) and Ro­sa An­nie Pick­er­ing.

A com­pos­er and or­gan­ist, Osmond stu­died at the Guild­hall School of Mu­sic un­der D. Beard­well, Henry Gadsby, and oth­ers.

He con­duct­ed the Broad­stairs and St. Pe­ter’s Cho­ral So­cie­ties, and lat­er the Co­ven­try Am­a­teur Ope­ra­tic So­ci­ety. He al­so served as or­gan­ist at St. Pe­ter’s, Beth­nal Green (1884); St. Bar­na­bas, Ho­mer­ton (1886); and or­gan­ist and choir di­rect­or at St. Peter’s, Tha­net (1889).

In 1888, Osmond be­came a Fel­low of the Roy­al Col­lege of Or­gan­ists.



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