

Born: Sep­tem­ber 26, 1767, Try­nau, Mo­ra­via (now Trna­va, Czech­ia).

Died: Au­gust 3, 1835, Ba­den bei Wien, Aus­tria.

Buried: Stadt­pfarr­fried­hof Ba­den, Ba­den bei Wien, Nied­er­ös­ter­reich, Aus­tria.



Müller stu­died mu­sic with the Be­ne­dic­tines at Chro­nitz, Mo­ra­via (now Kor­nice, Czech­ia), and learned to play all the in­stru­ments in the or­ches­tra.

Ottmar the pre­late took him to Jo­han­nis­berg, Si­le­sia (now Ján­ský vrch, Czech­ia), where he con­tin­ued his stu­dies with Karl Dit­ters von Dit­ter­dorf.

In 1782, he joined the Waiz­hof­er The­ater Com­pa­ny as third vio­lin­ist, and wrote his first Sing­spiel, Das ver­fehl­te Ren­dez­vous. In 1786, he be­came Ka­pell­meis­ter of the Leo­pold­stadt-The­ater in Vi­en­na.

Over the next fif­teen years, he wrote a num­ber of po­pu­lar Sings­piele, in­clud­ing Kas­par the Fa­got­tist and Die Schwes­ter von Prag (1794).

In 1807, he ac­cept­ed a post as Ka­pell­meis­ter at the Ger­man Op­er­a in Prague. In 1813, he re­turned to the Leo­pold­stadt-The­ater in Vi­en­na.

In ad­di­tion to his Sing­spiele, Müll­er al­so com­posed church mu­sic, in­clud­ing the Mass in G ma­jor.

