Charles Ear­nest Moody


Born: Oc­to­ber 8, 1891, near Til­ton, Geor­gia.

Died: June 21, 1977.

Buried: Fain Ce­me­te­ry, Cal­houn, Georg­ia.


Moody was the hus­band of Fan­nie Brown­lee.

He stu­died mu­sic un­der A. J. Sims of Dal­ton, Geor­gia; at Young Har­ris Col­lege, Young Har­ris, Georg­ia; and at the Sou­thern Devel­op­ment Nor­mal School, Ashe­ville, North Car­o­lin­a. He served as mu­sic di­rect­or for a Me­tho­dist church in Tun­nel Hill, Geor­gia.

Moving to Calh­oun, Geor­gia, in 1927, he sang with the Geor­gia Yel­low Ham­mers group, and lat­er taught in the pub­lic schools.

He and his fa­mi­ly moved back to Tun­nel Hill in 1938, then to Cal­houn around 1940.



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