

Born: March 6, 1868, Rich­land Cen­ter, Wis­con­sin.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 25, 1923, dur­ing a re­vi­val meet­ing in Black­stone, Illinois.


Oscar was the hus­band of Eli­za­beth Bohne, and son-in-law of Mrs. E. M. Bohne.

While liv­ing in Mon­tana, Mill­er read a book called The Way to God by Dwight Ly­man Moo­dy. A year lat­er, he moved to Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois, and en­rolled at the Moo­dy Bi­ble In­sti­tute (1896–98). Mill­er in­i­tial­ly stu­died mu­sic un­der Da­ni­el Tow­ner, but soon be­came a per­ma­nent fa­cul­ty member (see fa­cul­ty lists in “The In­sti­tute Tie,” start­ing with the first vol­ume in 1900).

Miller wrote mu­sic to his own ly­rics, ly­rics by his wife Eli­za­beth, and oth­ers. Five of his com­po­si­tions ap­peared in Tow­ner’s 1901 Class and Cho­rus.

Miller’s wife Eli­za­beth was a Moody Bi­ble In­sti­tute stu­dent like her hus­band. Af­ter her death in 1917, Os­car met Ed­na La­Vergne Deck­er at a re­vi­val meet­ing, and marr­ied her in 1920.



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