

Born: May 12, 1916, Leech­burg, Penn­syl­van­ia.

Died: No­vem­ber 5, 1996, Ir­vine, Ca­li­for­nia.

Buried: For­est Lawn Me­mo­ri­al Park, Co­vi­na, Ca­li­for­nia.


Mieir was the daugh­ter of Dow C. Wag­ner and wife of Charles Brooks Mie­ir.

Her mu­sic­al gift showed it­self an ear­ly age, when she be­gan sing­ing and lead­ing cho­ral per­form­anc­es.

In the 1950’s she es­tab­lished the Har­mo­ny Cho­rus, and worked with mu­si­cian-ev­an­gel­ist Phil Kerr. These ef­forts were fol­lowed by con­certs through­out Am­er­ica in the 1960’s.

Mieir is al­so re­mem­bered as mu­sic di­rect­or for Rex Hum­bard’s tel­e­vi­sion show Ca­thed­ral of To­mor­row, and for help­ing found orp­han­ag­es in Korea.

