

Born: No­vem­ber 14, 1867, Alt-Rüd­nitz, Kreis Kö­nigs­berg, Neu­mark, Prus­sia (now Sta­ra Rud­ni­ca, Po­land).

Died: Au­gust 18, 1941, Mil­wau­kee, Wis­con­sin.

Buried: Luther Ce­me­te­ry, She­boy­gan, Wis­con­sin.


Anna was the daugh­ter of Ge­org Plehn and Ot­ti­lie Kas­su­be.

She em­igrat­ed to Am­eri­ca with her fa­mi­ly in 1869. They first lived in Lake Ridge and Te­cum­seh, Mi­chi­gan, ev­en­tu­al­ly sett­ling in Chip­pe­wa Falls, Mi­chi­gan.

Anna taught high school in Chip­pe­wa Falls, and in 1893, mar­ried min­is­ter Chris­tian Me­yer of How­ard, South Da­ko­ta. Her hus­band served pas­tor­ates in Ne­bras­ka, Il­li­nois, and Wis­con­sin.

Anna is re­mem­bered as a po­et­ess and trans­lat­or of Ger­man hymns.



Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Me­yer (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),