

Born: Ap­ril 3, 1895, Lone Oak, Tex­as.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 21, 1983, Me­tho­dist Hos­pi­tal, Lou­is­ville, Ken­tuc­ky, of pneu­mon­ia.

Buried: Ev­er­green Ce­me­te­ry, Lou­is­ville, Ken­tuc­ky.



Haskell was the hus­band of Ma­rie Ad­die Den­ni­son. They met through a tel­e­gram for a bride ser­vice, be­fore the great flood of 1937. Has­kell came to Ken­tuc­ky short­ly af­ter meet­ing Ad­die.

Haskell was nick­named Hap­py and known as Un­cle Hap­py by those who loved and be­friend­ed him.

He con­tract­ed polio as a child, which left him with a limp. He and Ad­die had no child­ren, due the ef­fects of the po­lio.

He was a house paint­er for most of his life, and worked on pi­anos and pump or­gans in his down time. Haskell and his bro­ther William (from Texas), wrote ma­ny songs to­ge­ther.

During his lat­er years, he en­joyed pass­ing the time sit­ting on his front porch mak­ing toys for neigh­bor­hood kids at the home he shared with Ad­die Ma­rie on South Pres­ton Street in Lou­is­ville.

He was a big fan of coun­try wes­tern shows such as Hee-Haw, Gun­smoke, and train shows.

Biography cour­te­sy of great ne­phew Da­ni­el Coff­man




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If you know were to get a bet­ter pho­to of Meach­am,