

Born: Oc­to­ber 16, 1843, Ri­ga, New York.

Died: March 30, 1915.

Buried: Riga Ce­me­te­ry, Ri­ga, New York.


A age 10, Love­joy en­tered the Con­ser­va­tory run by Hins­dale Sher­wood in Ly­ons, New York. In 1858, his fa­mi­ly moved to Ann Ar­bor, Mi­chi­gan.

He gra­du­at­ed from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mi­chi­gan Law School in 1864. As of 1890, he was liv­ing in Ro­ches­ter, New York.


Lovejoy pub­lished se­ver­al songs, and wrote for Lip­pin­cott’s Ma­ga­zine, St. Ni­cho­las, The Cur­rent, the Am­eri­can Ma­ga­zine, Youth’s Com­pan­ion, and oth­er pro­mi­nent pe­ri­od­ic­als and news­pa­pers.


Easter Carol

O Earth! throughout thy borders
Re-don thy fairest dress;
And everywhere, O Nature!
Throb with new happiness;
Once more to new creation
Awake, and death gainsay,
For death is swallowed up of life,
And Christ is risen today!

Let peals of jubilation
Ring out in all the lands;
With hearts of deep elation
Let sea with sea clasp hands;
Let one supreme Te Deum
Roll round the World’s highway,
For death is swallowed up of life,
And Christ is risen today!

George Newell Lovejoy (1843–1915)



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