

Born: Jan­ua­ry 13, 1831 (Ju­li­an & Wi­ki­pe­dia) or 1834 (Bur­rage), Men­ghyr (Mon­ghyr, Munger, मुंगेर), In­dia.

Died: May 28, 1907.


Mary was the daugh­ter of An­drew Les­lie, a Scotch Ba­ptist mis­sion­ary who was pas­tor of a church on Lower Cir­cu­lar Road in Cal­cut­ta (now Kol­ka­ta) (1842–1864).

She be­came a mem­ber of her fa­ther’s church, and hav­ing re­ceived a su­per­ior edu­ca­tion, was for eight years Su­per­in­tend­ent of an in­sti­tu­tion for the edu­ca­tion of young Hin­du la­dies.

Starting in 1877, she was en­gaged in va­ri­ous kinds of phil­an­thro­pic work in Cal­cut­ta. She was fa­mil­iar with ma­ny lang­uag­es, in­clud­ing Greek, Ita­li­an and Ger­man, and is said to have like­ly spok­en Bang­la and Ur­du.




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