

Born: Jan­ua­ry 3, 1650, Dan­zig (Gdansk), Po­land.

Died: Au­gust 20, 1727, Dan­zig, Po­land.


Lange worked for some time as a sec­re­ta­ry in Dan­zig, and lat­er in War­saw. He was ap­point­ed judge in the Dan­zig Alt­stadt n 1691, se­na­tor in 1694.

After vi­sit­ing Hol­land in 1698, he al­lied him­self with the Men­non­ites and Pie­tists in Dan­zig, and came in­to con­flict with the Lu­ther­an church.

His hymns were most­ly writ­ten about the time when pes­ti­lence hit Dan­zig in 1710, and prin­ci­pal­ly ap­peared in his LXI. Gott ge­heil­ig­te Stun­den (prob­ab­ly pub­lished at Dan­zig in 1711).



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