


Born: July 12, 1806, Ber­lin, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: July 27, 1878, Dün­now, Po­me­ra­nia (now Du­ni­no­wo, Po­land).

Buried: Fried­hof der Beth­le­hems- od­er Böh­misch­en Ge­mein­de, Kreuz­berg, Fried­richs­hain-Kreuz­berg, Ber­lin, Ger­ma­ny.



Gustav was the son of Jus­tice Com­mis­sion­er Lud­wig Knak and Frie­de­ri­ke Strau­be.

He ma­tri­cu­lat­ed as a stu­dent of theo­lo­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ber­lin, East­er, 1826.

In the au­tumn of 1829 he be­came tu­tor in a pri­vate school at Kö­nigs-Wus­ter­hau­sen, near Ber­lin, where he worked man­ful­ly for the sick and dy­ing dur­ing the cho­le­ra year 1831.

He re­turned to Ber­lin in Au­gust, 1832, and act­ed as one of the ed­it­ors of the well-known Geist­lich­er Lied­er Schatz…to which he con­trib­ut­ed a number of hymns, and for which he wrote the pre­face dat­ed Dec. 11, 1832.

In the au­tumn of 1834 he was or­dained pas­tor of Wus­ter­witz, near Dram­burg, in Po­me­ra­nia [now Os­tro­wiec, Po­land]; and in the end of 1849 was ap­pointed Goss­ner’s suc­ces­sor as Pas­tor of the Lu­ther­an-Bo­he­mi­an con­gre­ga­tion (Beth­le­hems­kirche) in Ber­lin.

During a ho­li­day vi­sit to a mar­ried daugh­ter at Dün­now, near Stol­pe­münde, he was tak­en sud­den­ly ill, and died there Ju­ly 27, 1878; his bo­dy being re­moved to Ber­lin and laid to rest in the grave­yard be­long­ing to his church (O. Kraus, 1879, p. 266; All­ge­meine Deutsche Bio­gra­phie, xvi. 261, &c).

Knak was a man of pray­er, a faith­ful and suc­cess­ful preach­er and pas­tor, and great­ly in­ter­est­ed in Mis­sions at home and abroad, es­pe­cial­ly in the Lu­ther­an mis­sions to Chi­na and the Chi­nese Or­phan­age at Hong Kong.

As a hymn-writ­er he is dis­ting­uished by ele­gance of style, har­mo­ny of rhy­thm, and deep love to the per­son­al Christ. His hymns ap­peared in his Si­mon Jo­han­na, hast du mich lieb? Ber­lin, 1829 (en­larged edi­tions pub. at Ber­lin 1840, and again in 1843 as his Zi­ons­harfe); in the Ber­lin Geist­lich­er Lied­er Schatz, ed. 1832; and in his Liebe urn, Liebe…Nach­trag zu des­sen Zi­ons­harfe. Wer­der, 2nd ed. 1849 (3rd ed. Ber­lin, 1850).

Julian, pp. 626–27

