

Born: Jan­ua­ry 19, 1834, Can­ter­bu­ry, Kent, Eng­land.

Died: June 29, 1905, Not­ting­ham, Eng­land.


Irons was a ne­phew of bro­thers Ste­phen & George El­vey.

He be­came a chor­is­ter at Can­ter­bu­ry Ca­thed­ral un­der T. E. Jones.

After stu­dy­ing mu­sic un­der Ste­phen El­vey at Ox­ford, he was ap­point­ed or­gan­ist at St. Co­lum­ba’s Col­lege, a large pub­lic school at Rath­farn­ham, near Dub­lin, Ire­land.

He stayed there on­ly a few months be­fore be­ing of­fered the po­si­tion of or­gan­ist at South­well Min­ster.

From South­well, he went to Ches­ter as as­sist­ant or­gan­ist to Fre­der­ick Gun­ton.

Three years lat­er, he ac­cept­ed an ap­point­ment at St. An­drew’s Church, Not­ting­ham, where he served the rest of his life.



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