

Born: March 15, 1794, Black­burn, Lan­ca­shire, Eng­land.

Died: Au­gust 28, 1873, the Knowle, Ha­zel­wood, Der­by­shire, Eng­land.


William was the son of Man­ches­ter phy­si­cian John Hull.

He was edu­cat­ed at Mac­cles­field and Bra­se­nose Col­lege, Ox­ford, where he took a first-class Lit. Hum. in 1814, and sub­se­quent­ly be­came a Fel­low.

At Ox­ford, he made life-long friend­ships with some, and ac­quaint­ance with most of the fore­most men of his time, in­clud­ing Ar­nold, Ke­ble, Whate­ly, Mil­man, Bick­ards, New­man, Stan­ley, and oth­ers.

He en­tered Lin­coln’s Inn and was called to the Chan­ce­ry Bar. He took a pro­mi­nent part in Lon­don and at Ox­ford in the re­li­gious move­ments of the day.

On re­tir­ing from the Bar, he lived first at Tick­wood Hall, Much Wen­ock, Shrop­shire, then at the Knowle, Ha­zel­wood, Der­by­shire.




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