


Born: Feb­ru­ary 13, 1872, Pen-y-bryn, Pem­broke­shire, Wales.

Died: June 16, 1914, Stock­well Vil­las, Mount Plea­sant, Swan­sea, Wales, of a ce­re­bral hem­or­rhage.

Buried: Caer­sa­lem Newydd Bap­tist Cha­pel, Tre­boeth, Swan­sea, Wales.



Hughes’ fa­mi­ly moved to Swan­sea when he was around two years old. He is some­times con­fused with the John Hughes who wrote the tune Cwm Rhon­dda.

After fol­lowing his usu­al du­ties at the works on Mon­day 15th June 1914, John Hughes at night drove an em­ploy­ee, who had a piece of steel lodged in his hand, from Mor­ris­ton, to the Hos­pi­tal.

It was late when he re­tired, in his usu­al cheer­ful mood, ap­par­ent­ly in the best of health, but he soon be­came ill and his death at 6.45 am on Tues­day morn­ing, the 16th June 1914, was caused by a clot of blood on the brain. He died at his re­si­dence No. 3 Stock­well Vil­las, Mount Plea­sant, Swan­sea.

He left a wi­dow and three small child­ren. All his friends were ex­trem­ely grieved to hear of his un­time­ly death at the age of 42.

His death de­prived the Duff­ryn Works of a high­ly ca­pa­ble man­ag­er. John’s fresh co­lour and ro­bust ap­pear­ance ge­ne­ral­ly fla­ttered, on­ly to de­ceive. His sad de­mise came as a great shock to the in­ha­bi­tants of Mor­ris­ton, where he was per­son­al­ly known to al­most ev­ery­one.

He died at num­ber 3 Stock­well Vi­llas, Swan­sea, on the 16th June 1914, aged forty-two, and was buried in the ce­me­te­ry of Caer­salem Newydd Welsh Bap­tist Chapel in Tre­boeth, with his par­ents.

On Sa­tur­day 20th June 1914, there was a large and rep­re­sent­ative ga­ther­ing at the fun­er­al which took place on Sa­tur­day 20th June 1914 at Caer­sa­lem Newydd Welsh Bap­tist Cha­pel bu­ri­al ground, at 4 pm.

Prior to the de­par­ture of the cor­tege from his house, the well know hymn Ymadownaf a’r ba­bell was sung by the Phi­la­del­phia choir, con­duct­ed by John Hum­phries.

A short ser­vice was held at the house, when the Rev­er­end W. Ev­ans, Cross Keys and the Rev­er­end B. O. James, Cross Hands of­fi­ci­at­ed.

As the proc­ess­ion wend­ed its way to­wards the grave­side Ca­lon Lân, one of his best known com­po­si­tions, was sung with much feel­ing. An im­press­ive ser­vice was held at Caer­sa­lem Cha­pel, where the Rev­er­end E. G. Hughes (Ra­ven­hill), D. B. Ri­chards (Bryn­hyfryd), D. Tho­mas (Lan­dore), D. Pryse Will­iams (Phi­la­del­phia) and D. Price (Be­thes­da) paid their last trib­ute to the de­part­ed. The hymn, Dil­yn Ie­su was al­so sung.

The ser­vice at the grave­side was ve­ry im­press­ive, and the massed choir feel­ing­ly ren­dered Cru­gyher. The last rites were per­formed by the Rev­er­end D. James (Mor­ris­ton) and J. Da­vies (Myn­ydd­bach).

The mour­ners were Mrs. John Hughes (wi­dow), Mrs. Hughes (mo­ther), Mrs. Bes­sie and May Hughes (daugh­ters). Oth­er mour­ners were rep­re­sent­atives of the Dyff­ryn Works, Mor­ris­ton, of which the de­ceased was for some years Man­ag­er; the works own­er, W. H. Ed­wards (pro­pri­etor). Amongst the mem­bers of the ge­ne­ral pub­lic was Le­on Ver­mont (Lon­don), Coun­cil­ors Da­vid Mat­thews J.P. John Lew­is Swan­sea. Emp­loy­ees of the Dyff­ryn Works Mor­ris­ton, act­ed as bear­ers.

It is wor­thy of note that ma­ny of the hymn tunes sung at the fun­er­al were of John Hughes’ own com­po­si­tion. On Sun­day af­ter­noon and ev­en­ing sym­pa­the­tic ref­er­enc­es were made at the Ta­ber­na­cle Chapel Mor­ris­ton, of the loss sus­tained by the un­time­ly death of John Hughes and as a last trib­ute two of his most po­pu­lar com­po­si­tions Di­lyn Ie­su and Ca­lon Lân were ren­dered.

