

Born: Ap­ril 19, 1874, Il­li­nois.

Died: Oc­to­ber 18, 1943, Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois.

Buried: Ma­ple Grove Ce­me­te­ry, Mil­ford, Il­li­nois.



Hopkins was the hus­band of Lau­ra Ed­na Whi­pple (mar­ried 1901). They lived in Chi­ca­go their en­tire mar­ried life.



Has Someone Seen Christ in You?

Has someone seen Christ in you, today?
Christian, look to your heart I pray;
The little things that you’ve done or said,
Did they accord with the way you prayed?
Have your thoughts been pure, your words been kind?
Have you sought to have the Savior’s mind?
The world with a criticizing view
Has watched—but did it see Christ in you?

Has someone seen Christ in you today?
Christian, look to your path I pray;
Has it led you nearer the Father’s throne,
Farther away from the tempting one?
Have your feet on errands of love been bent—
Or, on selfish deeds your strength been spent?
Has a wand’ring soul with hope born new,
Found Chris through following after you?

Has someone seen Christ in you today?
Christian, look to your life I pray;
There are aching hearts and blighted souls,
Being lost on sin’s destructing shoals.
And perhaps of Christ their only view,
May be what of Him they see in you;
Will they see enough to bring hope and cheer?
Look to your light—does it shine out clear?

Has someone seen Christ in you today?
O Christian, be careful, watch and pray;
Look up to Jesus in faith, and then
Lift up unto Him your fellow men.
Upon your strength you can not rely,
There’s a fount of grace and strength on high;
Go to that fount and your strength renew,
And the life of Christ will shine through you.

Corydon Benjamin Hopkins
Wayside Flowers, 1900

